The top questions Doodle Owners ask

Grooming & Coat Care

  1. How often should I groom my doodle?
  2. What’s the best brush for a doodle?
  3. How do I prevent my doodle’s coat from matting?
  4. Can I shave my doodle in the summer?
  5. How often should I bathe my doodle?
  6. Why is my doodle’s coat changing color?
  7. What’s the best shampoo for doodles?
  8. How do I trim the hair around my doodle’s eyes?
  9. How do I get rid of tear stains on my doodle?
  10. Should I take my doodle to a professional groomer?

Training & Behavior

  1. Why is my doodle so hyper?
  2. How do I stop my doodle from jumping on people?
  3. Why does my doodle bark so much?
  4. Are doodles prone to separation anxiety?
  5. What’s the best way to train a doodle?
  6. How do I stop my doodle from chewing everything?
  7. Why does my doodle dig holes in the yard?
  8. How do I get my doodle to stop pulling on the leash?
  9. Why won’t my doodle listen to me?
  10. How long does it take to potty train a doodle?

Health & Wellness

  1. Why does my doodle lick its paws so much?
  2. What are common health problems in doodles?
  3. Why is my doodle always scratching?
  4. What is the best food for my doodle?
  5. Why does my doodle have a sensitive stomach?
  6. Should I give my doodle supplements?
  7. How much exercise does my doodle need?
  8. Why is my doodle suddenly aggressive?
  9. How do I keep my doodle’s ears clean?
  10. How long do doodles live?

Socialization & Interaction

  1. Why does my doodle follow me everywhere?
  2. How do I introduce my doodle to a new puppy?
  3. Are doodles good off-leash?
  4. Why is my doodle afraid of strangers?
  5. Can doodles live in an apartment?
  6. Why does my doodle hump everything?
  7. Should I crate train my doodle?
  8. Do doodles do well in doggy daycare?
  9. How do I stop my doodle from counter surfing?
  10. Why does my doodle eat poop?

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