Doodles and Bloat, what you should know to keep them safe!

Doodle bloat is a common condition that can be dangerous, even deadly. Dogs who have it need treatment right away. Know the signs so you can recognize when your pup needs help.

This is something that every Doodle owner should know about. Goldendoodles, labradoodles, Saint Berdoodles (especially), Newfydoodles, Sheepadoodles etc..

What Is Dog Bloat?

Bloat happens when a dog's stomach fills with gas, food, or fluid, making it expand. The stomach puts pressure on other organs. It can cause dangerous problems, including:

  • Decreased blood flow to their heart and stomach lining
  • A tear in the wall of their stomach
  • A harder time breathing

In some cases, the dog's stomach will rotate or twist, a condition that vets call gastric dilatation volvulus (GSV). It traps blood in the stomach and blocks it from returning to the heart and other areas of the body. This can send your dog into shock.


Bloat from GSV usually comes on very quickly. At first, your dog may show signs that their stomach hurts. They may:

  • Act restless
  • Drool
  • Have a swollen stomach
  • Look anxious
  • Look at their stomach
  • Pace
  • Try to vomit, but nothing comes up
  • Stretch with their front half down and rear end up

As the condition gets worse, they may:

  • Collapse
  • Have pale gums
  • Have a rapid heartbeat
  • Be short of breath
  • Feel weak

If you think your pet has bloat, get them to a clinic right away. If dogs don't get treatment in time, the condition can kill them.


Vets aren't sure what causes bloat, but there are some things that raise a dog's risk for it, including:

  • Eating from a raised food bowl
  • Having one large meal a day
  • Eating quickly
  • A lot of running or playing after they eat
  • Other dogs they are related to have had bloat
  • Eating or drinking too much
  •  Stress

Any dog can have bloat, but it's much more common in deep-chested, large breeds, like Akitas, Boxers, Basset Hounds, and German Shepherds. Some are at a higher risk than others, including Great Danes, Gordon Setters, Irish Setters, Weimaraners, and St. Bernards.


The treatment a dog gets depends on how severe their condition is.


Goldendoodle, Labradoodle, saint berdoodle summer, doodle mom


Information was provided by WebMD

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